Sunday, April 22, 2012

Music: Stephen Molyneux "Cambodian Feild Recordings" tape

I'm not certain what I'm supposed to hear here but it's absolutely mesmerizing.

The scenes that unfold over the course of this too-short cassette are all entirely ambiguous. One presumes that street scenes, social dances and sacred music all collide, but these are merely presumptions. The musics' origin is mysterious, and this in-itself is overwhelming.

Add to the foreign instrumentation and forms, the use of lo-fidelity recording techniques that at times suggest additional delay-effects and looping, (or is it natural reverberation? The ambiguity enhances the overall effect,) and you get a consciousness-enveloping throb of music that defies expectation.

"World Music" is not really the correct moniker, as the sounds of rolling wheels, rumbling engines, wind, conversations and random microphone noise interfere with the throaty singing, flutes and unrecognizable percussion and stringed instruments that make up the "musical" parts of the tape. And musically, it's mostly consonant (albeit Eastern-pentatonic) music, but combined with the field-recording elements, this thing is more bewlidering than a lot of "Noise" music I've heard.

Totally unique and well-combined collage from Molyneux (also of Horsehair Everywhere, Poet Named Revolver) on No Kings. Definitely Recomended!

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